Christ The King Lutheran Church was founded in 1961 and is the church home to members from Newtown, Southbury, Bethel, Danbury, Brookfield, and beyond. It is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
We are a family of Christian believers, gathered together by the Holy Spirit in God’s Word and Sacraments. By these means of grace, we have all been united with Christ in a death like His and resurrected into His new life. Because of this shared identity, Scripture teaches us to value both our unity in Christ and the variety of gifts that we have all been given. We are one body with many parts, each working together and none more important than the others. We are one family with many members, each caring for and serving the others. |
What We Believe...Christianity begins, continues, and ends with Christ. Thus, we believe…
Christ For Us Jesus Christ, fully divine and fully human, was born into human history for us. He lived the perfect life demanded in the Law for us. He died the death prescribed for all sinners for us. And He rose again offering His free gift of righteousness and forgiveness for us. This is the Gospel truth: that we were condemned because of our own sin, but Christ – God in the flesh – took that condemnation on Himself for us. Christ With Us Through His Word and through His means of grace Christ is with us. He is with us in baptism – when our sins are buried with Christ and we are raised into His resurrection. He is with us in confession – when we confess our sin and we receive the certain proclamation of God’s forgiveness in Christ. And He is with us in communion – when we are strengthened in our new life by Jesus’ own body and blood delivered through the bread and wine we share. When we gather in His name to receive His Word and His Sacraments, He is truly with us. Christ Through Us Because Christ is both for us and with us, He now does His work through us. We are now freed to live lives of love for God and service to our neighbor. Through us, Christ shows His love for us and with us. |
What We Do...As Christ’s body here on earth, God empowers His Church to show His love through the gifts and abilities He gives, including…
Christian Education Teaching about Christ’s grace through Biblical instruction for all ages. Chair: Christy Saffi Youth Ministry Helping youth grow in faith and service. Chair: Andrew Confortini Congregational Ministry Showing Christ’s love for the social and physical needs of the congregation. Chair: Lynnae Rau Missions Showing Christ’s love and teaching about Christ’s grace to all who are in need outside the walls of the church through mission and service activities in our town, our region, and our world. Chair: Kirsten Balancia Stewardship Managing Christ’s earthly gifts and resources through the stewardship of the church’s finances. Chair: Jim Bradshaw Worship Receiving Christ’s gifts of Word and Sacrament as His people here at Christ the King through the efforts of all who assist with Sunday and Wednesday worship. Chair: Dan Swanson |
Where Do I Fit?Everyone who admits their sin and desires Christ’s new life “fits” at Christ the King...
Because receiving Christ’s gifts is the heart of Christianity, worship at the Divine Service on Sunday is the heart of Christ the King Lutheran Church. In addition to Worship, we hope all will take part in our Christian Education offerings. Solid Biblical teaching helps us grow in both faith and knowledge, as we better know and appreciate the gifts Christ has given. Beyond being fed through worship and education, simply consider: What gifts has God given you? What are you passionate about? Do you have any experiences that might benefit the church or Christ’s kingdom worldwide? Because we believe that Christ is for us, we know that Christ is with us, and we trust that He works through us. If your heart has been filled to overflowing by Christ’s grace, then He will use you to pour out that grace on others. For more ways God works through His people here at Christ the King, please visit our News, Activities, and Missions pages. |