Christ with us
The mission of Congregational Ministry at Christ the King is to show Christ’s love for the social and physical needs of the members of our church congregation. We invite you to engage with us in support of ongoing fellowship, special projects, and church volunteer opportunities.
Upcoming & Summer Events
Choir Choir practice will resume Wednesday, September 4th, 7 pm. Fall Fair As summer season ends, our fall fair preparations have begun. Please save the date: November 2nd. Leave your item donations (clean & in good sellable condition) against the hallway wall near the old youth room. Check the weekly church email for further details. |
Member News
. Church Directory Photos We are in the process of updating our church directory and would like to have an update picture of everyone at CTK. Our photographer Ben will be at the Labor Day picnic to take pictures outside near the pond. Whether you are staying for the picnic or not, please stop by to get your picture taken. The pictures are turning out so nice, that you may want to use them for Christmas card and frame at your home. Service opportunities - If you are available to provide a cooked meal for members in need of support, please sign up for our Meal Train ministry. Please see below for details or sign up on the bulletin board. Thank you.. - Shopping summer clearance or back to school deals? Please keep in mind our annual Operation Christmas Child project. What treasures will you find to add to your shoebox donation? |
Looking to connect? Join with others who are helping in the following areas:
Host the Fellowship Coffee Hour
Sundays after service we enjoy "coffee &" together after service and before Bible Study begins. Overseen by teams of two people/two families at a time, Fellowship volunteers prepare coffee and set out snacks, then clean up afterwards. New volunteers are paired with veterans for training.
The schedule is drafted quarterly.
Sundays after service we enjoy "coffee &" together after service and before Bible Study begins. Overseen by teams of two people/two families at a time, Fellowship volunteers prepare coffee and set out snacks, then clean up afterwards. New volunteers are paired with veterans for training.
The schedule is drafted quarterly.
Join the Meal Train
Help provide meals to Christ the King members who need caring support after surgery, bereavement, birth of a child, or other events and life circumstances. Particular needs are announced then volunteers fill available time slots via the Meal Train website using our private link. |
Serve at Funeral Meals
When Christ the King members host funeral meals in the church hall (food is typically catered), funeral meal team members help set up, serve, and clean-up so families can focus on grieving. Scheduled as needed; please watch for church emails. |
Help at a Church Service
Christ the King members are invited to engage with worship services as volunteer usher/greeters, Scripture readers, Communion prep, Sunday School and Youth aides, musicians. For consideration and details on how to apply, contact the church office. Volunteers are scheduled in rotation.
Sponsor altar & narthex flowers
Sign up for available dates on the calendar board in the narthex. Suggested donation is $35 (if date is shared, $17.50 per sponsor). Flowers may be given with a dedication or anonymously (please alert the church office). If desired, flowers may be picked up after the designated service* or later by arrangement. If you don’t indicate pick-up, or don’t want to take the flowers home, they can be used at Pastor’s discretion for home visits, encouragement, or in the church - so please let us know! *Note: please put “5 pm” to keep flowers on display for the evening service. Thank you.
At Christmas and Easter, we join together and display potted plants - a separate signup will be provided. Thank you!
At Christmas and Easter, we join together and display potted plants - a separate signup will be provided. Thank you!
Got questions? Please email [email protected] or call the church office.
Recently Completed Projects & Events
Reunion BBQ with Maggie, former CTK service dog
Confirmation Sunday celebration picnic
Dorothy Day House care items & sandwiches
Confirmation Sunday celebration picnic
Dorothy Day House care items & sandwiches