Christ with us
The mission of Congregational Ministry at Christ the King is to show Christ’s love for the social and physical needs of the members of our church congregation. We invite you to engage with us in support of ongoing fellowship, special projects, and church volunteer opportunities.
Events & ongoing
Upcoming: Game Night Military Whist game night, February 8th. Check your email for details. Sign up in the hallway (snacks & drinks to share, please, thank you). Faith Food Pantry Non-perishable food & pantry items are needed. Please leave them in the shopping cart in the narthex. Your kindness is appreciated. St. Pauly Textiles Put your clean useable clothing and textile items to good use. Donate items to the shed by the parking lot. See the sign there for items accepted. Christ the King receives a stipend for these repurposed items or may directly utilize donated items for our ministry purposes. |
Member News
New Members Welcome Interested in joining this faith community? A new member welcome service is happening soon. Please speak with Pastor Morris. 2025 Pledges Pledge cards for 2025 are available in the narthex or download the form. We appreciate all the ways members serve this faith community with their time, talents, prayers and financial giving. Thank you. Birthright We are exploring an expansion of our support for the Danbury area chapter of this pro-life non-profit serving the needs of women and girls with unplanned pregnancies. Check your email to RSVP for the upcoming information meeting or to be notified of future details. |
Looking to connect? Join with others who are helping in the following areas:
Join the Meal Train
Help provide meals to Christ the King members who need caring support after surgery, bereavement, birth of a child, or other events and life circumstances. Particular needs are announced then volunteers fill available time slots via the Meal Train website using our private link. |
Serve at Funeral Meals
When Christ the King members host funeral meals in the church hall (food is typically catered), funeral meal team members help set up, serve, and clean-up so families can focus on grieving. Scheduled as needed; please watch for church emails. |
Host the Fellowship Coffee Hour
Sundays after service we enjoy "coffee &" together after service and before Bible Study begins. Overseen by teams of two people/two families at a time, Fellowship volunteers prepare coffee and set out snacks, then clean up afterwards. New volunteers are paired with veterans for training.
The schedule is drafted quarterly.
Sundays after service we enjoy "coffee &" together after service and before Bible Study begins. Overseen by teams of two people/two families at a time, Fellowship volunteers prepare coffee and set out snacks, then clean up afterwards. New volunteers are paired with veterans for training.
The schedule is drafted quarterly.
Volunteer @ Church Services
Christ the King members are invited to service as volunteer usher/greeters, Scripture readers, Communion prep, Sunday School and Youth aides, musicians. For consideration and details on how to apply, please contact the church office. Thank you.
Flower sponsorship. Sunday Altar vase arrangements: sign up on the calendar board in the narthex, limit two sponsors per date.
Potted flowers are displayed at Christmas (poinsettias only) and at Easter (lilies & other spring bulbs). Details on separate signup sheet.
Potted flowers are displayed at Christmas (poinsettias only) and at Easter (lilies & other spring bulbs). Details on separate signup sheet.
Got questions? Please email [email protected] or call the church office.