Operation Christmas Child: 52 boxes dropped off and on their way around the world! Thanksgiving Cookies and Posters: 9 beautiful trays of cookies and posters were created and delivered to those who serve our community. Coat and hat drive for Jericho Project: 33 coats, 36 hats, 35 pairs of gloves/mittens, and 5 scarves donated. Most of the mittens/gloves/hats were purchased with the $164 donation from the lemonade stand run by the kids at the fall fair. Fall Fair 2022 was a great success! Thank you to all who volunteered and helped out for your hard work! Thanks especially to Elizabeth Lowery for being tirelessly organized and optimistic in leading most of the activities, to Christy Morris for coordinating the Silent Auction, to Rob Balancia and the Elders for managing all the food, to the Sunday School for their lemonade and cider stand, and to Peter Obre, Elijah and Isaiah Morris for music!
Pastor Morris' Ordination Anniversary celebration 8.28.22
and take you up every man of you a stone...that this may be a sign among you, that, when your children ask in time to come, saying, What mean ye by these stones? Joshua 4:5 Archives